The menopause MOT is a specialist assessment for women approaching or those who have gone through the menopause.
The menopause is defined as the time when a woman no longer has her periods. A woman is defined as post menopausal when she has not had her period for 12 months or longer.
Menopausal symptoms can vary between individuals and can be quite subtle so it is not always easy to recognise that they could be happening due to the change in hormonal levels.
Some common symptoms are listed below:-
Hot flushes
Mood changes- irritable, emotional, angry, labile
Joint or muscle pains
Brain fog
Sleep disturbance
Weight gain
Vaginal dryness
Sexual difficulties
Change in bladder and or bowel symptoms
The menopause MOT Clinic will include a full medical history with a focus on bladder, bowel and sexual health.
The Specialist Physiotherapist will carry out the following:-
Postural screen
Pelvic floor assessment
Explanation of the menopause and how this impacts our joints and muscles
Screening for bladder and bowel incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and sexual difficulties
Education and advice on safe activities/ exercise for this time in a woman’s life
Individual tailored rehabilitation programme with specific goals
Written report of the findings of you assessment
Correspondence with the GP as needed
Nicola's Menopause Clinic is every Wednesday 9am-2.30pm
Book online today